
Array Satu dimensi

  • Listing

  • Logika LaArray.java
The example above is an example program satudimensi array.
The first step arrays can be declared indirectly.
  Example: int [] x;
Only later in the initialization directly.
Example: x = new int [3];
After that, we declare each element of the variable x as well as fill in each element.
Example: x [0] = 20;
                 x [1] = 10;
                 x [2] = 30;
To get the output or output print give the print command,
Example: System.out.println ("The value of x [0]:" + x [0]);
System.out.println ("Nilaix [1]:" + x [1]);
System.out.println ("Nilaix [2]:" + x [2]);
  • Output

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